Nine Sols Review

Nine Sols’ incredibly tough and scrupulously fair combat offsets any misgivings I may have about its long-winded dialog and overreliance on certain mechanics.

MythForce Review

MythForce’s incredible aesthetics and combat systems are let down by a drought of places in which the team can explore and fight.

Wavetale Review

Wavetale is a great example of style winning over substance.

Wild Bastards Review

As a space western shooter with randomly generated campaigns, Wild Bastards is greater than the sum of its parts, though not by much.

SCHiM Review

SCHiM vexes me. I want it to be incredible. It’s a boring platformer with an empty protagonist and a wasted story.

The Last Faith Review

The Last Faith is derivative of other, popular videogames. This does not mean it’s bad.

Outer Wilds Review

Outer Wilds’ meticulously designed solar system should be displayed in a museum even if its overarching mystery is a little rough.