Rogue Legacy Review

Rogue Legacy’s foundational gameplay loop makes it a must-play indie action-RPG.

Cosmic Star Heroine Review

Cosmic Star Heroine is a great combination of old school aesthetic sensibilities and new school design philosophies.

Guacamelee! Review

Guacamelee! is a fantastic change of pace for players who want to add some beat ’em up spice to their non-linear platforming.

Gun Crazy Review

Gun Crazy is structurally incoherent and a visual mess. I can’t recommend it at any price.

Xeodrifter Review

If I were to forget why non-linear platformers are my favorite videogames, I would only need to sit down with Xeodrifter.

SteamWorld Heist Review

SteamWorld Heist has the potential for fun shooting and challenging strategy but is occasionally undermined by randomization and repetition.

SteamWorld Dig Review

SteamWorld Dig’s humble approach to indie platforming makes it an enjoyable choice to fill an evening or two.

Access Denied Review

Access Denied is an adequate test of problem solving skills that fills a free evening.